Save Money and Water: Invest in Properly Installed Sprinklers

Customers frequent businesses that look well organized and professional, and that includes the landscape greenery. A kempt and visually appealing exterior represents you and your company.

Losing a customer or client because they feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in the outdoor environment of your facility can spiral into more cancellations and uninterested clientele. Any potential customer can share their experience in an online review and anything that stands out as a glaring problem will surely be included.

So, it is imperative to care about what your facility looks like and have a good understanding of what it would mean to start investing in lawn care. And with lawncare, comes a water system. It can seem daunting to spend a big chunk of change on an automated irrigation system, but if you have the correct setup it can have more than one positive impact.

The monetary, environmental and labor costs:

Monetary Cost

It can cost several thousand dollars to install a sprinkler system depending on the size of the lawn but do not let that deter you. When installed, the sprinklers can be set to run for specific lengths of time at specific times of day with specific amounts of water. What does this mean for your business? You will know exactly how much you will spend on water for your lawn and can budget in advance.

More than that, it is much cheaper to run an automated system than to manually water the grass. It is almost unheard of these days to water grass manually because it is not very efficient. The cost of labor and extra water use adds up to where, over time, having an automated system basically pays for itself. Not to mention, if you overwater or underwater the grass it can die by flooding or lack of water.

It is essential to hire experts such as MSNW’s irrigation installation team to ensure the job is done properly. Improper lawn irrigation system installation can lead to problems down the road. If the system you installed on your own does not work properly, it will cost much more to redo the project or fix the problems than if the certified workers had originally completed it. When MSNW installs water systems, maintenance issues can be easily resolved, and winterization is possible without the collateral damage of frozen or burst irrigation pipes.

Environmental Costs

Many business owners who need to upkeep their lawns, want to make sure they are conserving water and energy. Of course, watering a lawn uses environmental resources, so the best way to be at the forefront of change is to use the resources in the most efficient way. Fortunately, the efficient and controlled use of water and electricity with a sprinkler system saves both of those resources. Irrigation systems allow for only necessary resources to be used when properly installed.

One thing to consider is that electricity is a tiny factor in power use. Power is only needed for the controller that switches the valves on and off. Even a commercial controller uses very little energy each day. It is almost equivalent to the amount of electricity needed to have a 100watt lightbulb on all day.

Another reason MSNW’s irrigation installation services can help is that our experts know where to place sprinklers, so they are not over or underwatering the lawn. If two sprinkler heads are too close together or too far apart, it can lead to uneven water disbursement. In turn, this leads to overusing water just to end up with dead patches. If the lawn is not green, but the water use is going up and up, then something is wrong with the system.

Consider other factors of your business that are impacting the environment. Could you have a paperless system and save paper? Could you install movement-sensitive lights that only turn on when people are in the room? Could you use alcohol-free cleaning chemicals like Goldshield’s disinfectant that MSNW uses to keep surfaces free of diseasing-causing bacteria for up to 90 days? Might these changes also save your business money?

Labor Cost

One thing that is nice about lawn sprinkler systems is that once they are installed the amount of labor falls dramatically. Only upkeep and maintenance are required to keep the system running smoothly.

Proper irrigation management is apparent when monetary, environmental, and labor costs are reduced when compared to other less efficient practices and mistakes.

According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Irrigation Guide, proper irrigation water management includes having an irrigation system that is designed specifically for the site it will be used on. The guide also mentions utilizing operation techniques that optimize distribution uniformity, scheduling water times well, and regularly providing maintenance.

MSNW is in the business of doing things right the first time, fixing new problems efficiently, and using environmentally sustainable practices when installing proper irrigation systems. Reach out to us at 360-366-4600 if you have any questions or want to hire our team to take care of your lawn maintenance.


Find out how MSNW can take care of it for you and your facility today!

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