Help to Prevent the Spread of Viruses Through Disinfection

The reality is that disinfection standards and expectations have increased two-fold over the last couple of years, but disinfection is not new. We have used disinfection products in hospitals, gyms, schools, and workplaces all along, but 2020 really opened the floodgates of requests for disinfection everywhere, all the time. 

While disinfection is recommended by the CDC to help prevent the spread of disease, the CDC recently emphasized that the spread of COVID is mostly through the air, not as much through surfaces. This does not mean disinfection is not helpful as it just means that it must be used properly to be effective. If you are washing your hands after touching surfaces, that immediately lowers the chances you will contract a virus through a surface. In addition, you probably do not need to disinfect your home unless someone you live with currently has symptoms. Public places and workplaces are more likely candidates for enjoying the benefits of disinfection.  

Some viruses last days and weeks on surfaces, while others last minutes and hours. COVID is generally thought to sit somewhere between hours and days but is not confirmed as more tests need to be conducted. This impacts the effectiveness of consistent disinfection. 

For example, if nobody is at an office because everyone is working from home, general cleaning is all that is necessary to keep the workplace in good condition but would not help in preventing the spread of COVID. 

However, if a workplace has many employees touching light switches and door handles and many other high-touch surfaces, it is a good idea to implement disinfection practices after general cleaning. While employees are expected to stay home if they exhibit symptoms of sickness, some people may have no symptoms and they can still spread viruses. 

The CDC notes that general cleaning practices are highly effective in preventing the spread of the COVID virus and that disinfection adds just one other layer of protection in lowering the risk of the spread of the virus.  

What does cleaning and disinfecting to prevent diseases look like at MSNW? 

  • Cleaning surfaces first to remove the presence of grime and filth 
  • Following directions on the labels of all cleaning and disinfectant products 
  • Using only EPA certified cleaners and disinfectants 
  • Using disinfectants deemed to be effective against COVID by the EPA 
  • Disinfecting only after surfaces have been thoroughly cleaned 
  • Using personal protective equipment (PPE) 

What can you do to help prevent the spread of viruses through surfaces in your own home? 

  • Keep surfaces wiped down with warm water 
  • Use disinfectants if someone in the home is exhibiting symptoms of disease 
  • Do not mix cleaning products unless directed by a label 
  • Dilute cleaning product if directions stipulate 
  • Disinfect objects that come into the home after being in a public place (for example, grocery bags from the grocery store) 
  • Wash your hands after touching high-touch surfaces or after returning from public places 

If an outbreak of disease has occurred in your workplace or your home and you don’t feel you can effectively clean and disinfect on your own, hire a professional. Professional janitors (like those at MSNW) and housecleaners have been trained to clean and disinfect surfaces properly. 

However, you shouldn’t wait for an outbreak of disease to occur before cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. There are many diseases spread through surfaces, and cleanliness is huge in preventing the spread of many viruses through those surfaces. 


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