Here we are, you have 90 days left in this year. 90 days left to make an impact, to
meet the goals you set out to accomplish. To be the “new you.” Like so many
people, you may have forgotten the goals set back in Q1. Don’t look back. Let’s
look forward. Today you can make a change and end this year with a bang!
I talk to my team a lot about their “one thing.” What’s the one thing they could
implement that would change everything, and make their lives easier? If they did
just that one thing, everything else would fall into place. This concept isn’t new, in
fact if you’ve read the book, “The One Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, you
know what I’m talking about (side note, what I love even more than the book, is The
One Thing podcast, it’s a must-listen if you are a fellow podcaster). The strategy
behind this is to think big, act small. One small change will lead to a domino effect
that sends big ripples in your life and creates big change.
So, what goals do you have? Think big! Where do you want to be in five years, what
does your life look like? Do you want to make a 6-figure salary? Be debt free?
Overcome your anxiety? Get your health back on track? Whatever your goal is,
make sure you’re thinking big enough.
Now, what is the two-inch domino that’s going to get you to where you want to go?
If getting your health back in check is your goal, maybe your small domino is to cut
out soda from your diet. Or instead, put on gym shoes when you wake up each
morning. Keep it simple. Taking this small step will lead to another level of
So, this is it, 21 days makes a habit, 90 days make a lifestyle. Which lifestyle
changes are you going to make that will catapult your entire life into a new
direction? This is your chance to end the year with a bang. Don’t fall into the trap
that the new year is the time for goals. You have a choice, a choice to make a
change today. Define that one thing, and do it.
Own it, I believe in you – TW